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      Empowering women in finance - an interview with Lombard Odier’s Head of Private Banking, Singapore and Asia Switzerland

      Empowering women in finance - an interview with Lombard Odier’s Head of Private Banking, Singapore and Asia Switzerland

      Part of the interview has been featured on Citywire Asia published on 13 April 2024


      1) How did you get into private banking?

      Valerie d'Argembeau: I began my career as a management consultant. This experience was instrumental in building my analytical skills, understanding of business operations, and strategic thinking. It also provided me with a solid foundation and a broad perspective on the financial industry.

      Following my MBA, I was drawn to the dynamic and challenging world of private banking. The bespoke nature of private banking, where you are entrusted with the financial health and aspirations of clients, resonated with my personal values and professional ambitions.

      I entered the industry through roles in Strategy and Business Development. More than 10 years ago I made the switch over to the client facing side where I currently sit as Head of Private Clients for Singapore and the Asia team in Switzerland at Lombard Odier.

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      2) What is your proudest career achievement?

      Growth often requires taking risks, and stepping outside of our comfort zone. One of the most transformative and defining moments in my career was the decision to step back from my role in strategy and business development to master the relationship manager role.

      To make the decision to start again from the beginning in this new role was not easy. It required setting aside any ego and embracing a beginner mindset

      To make the decision to start again from the beginning in this new role was not easy. It required setting aside any ego and embracing a beginner mindset. My choice was driven by a belief that to lead effectively and innovate within the private banking sector, it is important to have a holistic understanding of the business from both a strategic and operational perspective.

      3) What are the keys to your career success?

      Three fundamental pillars have underpinned my career’s progression and success: growth mindset / dedication to continuous learning, teamwork and mentorship.

      Having a growth mindset and staying curious. Staying abreast of changes, questioning the status quo, and continuously seeking new knowledge and skills have been crucial in maintaining relevance and effectiveness in my role.

      Teamwork has been equally critical. Diverse perspectives are key to innovation and effective problem-solving. Achievements are usually not solitary victories but the result of team efforts, where each member’s strengths and contributions are combined to achieve our objectives.

      The Mentorship I was fortunate to receive at Lombard Odier has been instrumental in navigating the complexities and challenges of the banking sector

      Lastly, the Mentorship I was fortunate to receive at Lombard Odier has been instrumental in navigating the complexities and challenges of the banking sector. These key and important relationships have been a source of invaluable advice, insights and feedback, and have formed a very resilient support system, helping me to navigate my career-defining decisions with confidence and clarity.

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      4) Why is being a mentor important to you?

      In an industry where female role models are scarce, I believe that senior women have a critical role to play by mentoring the next generation. For me, being a mentor is about inspiring, guiding, and supporting young professionals, especially women, to navigate a path that has traditionally been less accessible to them.

      In an industry where female role models are scarce, I believe that senior women have a critical role to play by mentoring the next generation

      At Lombard Odier, I’m happy to be embarking on a mentorship programme in the year ahead. By sharing experiences, challenges, and successes, mentors can offer invaluable insights that textbooks and formal education often cannot. This real-world experience helps mentees understand not just the technical aspects of banking, but also how to navigate a career in a male-dominated industry. It helps broaden the aspirations and visions for the younger generation.

      It is also deeply rewarding on a personal level to be able to contribute to someone else’s growth and success, fostering a culture of learning and mutual support within the industry. For me it is a vital tool for change, and it is everyone’s responsibility.

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      5) What is the best advice you have received?

      In a sector profoundly driven by relationships and trust, the best pieces of advice I have received revolve around the themes of consistency, empathy, and passion.

      Consistency: Staying true to one’s values and beliefs, even in the face of challenges and uncertainties, keeping high standards of integrity, excellence, and dedication. It has enabled me to build and maintain strong relationships with clients and colleagues alike, keeping a long-term view in everything I do. This is greatly aligned to my work at Lombard Odier, where we believe in managing clients’ wealth for the long term.

      Empathy: It has been a cornerstone of my approach in managing teams and serving clients with sensitivity and care. This has been particularly important in a competitive and often high-pressure environment, where acknowledging the importance of the human aspect in our business can make all the difference in team morale and client relationships.

      Passion: We evolve in an industry where we deal with high-net-worth individuals, entrepreneurs, and families. We deal with people that are usually passionate themselves. Having a passion for what we do is a key element to being a good private banker. It enables you to put client interest at the heart of everything you do.

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      This is a marketing communication issued by Bank Lombard Odier & Co Ltd (hereinafter “Lombard Odier”).
      It is not intended for distribution, publication, or use in any jurisdiction where such distribution, publication, or use would be unlawful, nor is it aimed at any person or entity to whom it would be unlawful to address such a marketing communication.
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