Asia-Pacific’s high-net-worth insights 2022.

What are the important investment themes facing APAC High-Net-Worth Individuals (HNWIs) today? With sustainability now increasingly viewed as an investment opportunity, how are investors positioning themselves to capitalise on opportunities? Download our report and discover our latest findings today.

Time to Rethink Everything… Again.

As the world learns to live with COVID-19, the lack of stability seen during the pandemic has been replaced by geopolitical conflicts, macroeconomic uncertainty and climate concerns. What we have now is a new and more complex economic reality.

Since the onset of the pandemic, Lombard Odier, together with its Strategic Alliances across the region, has been at the forefront of gaining a better understanding of how the needs and perspectives of Asia-Pacific’s wealthy population has evolved in response to the global crisis.

This year, we spoke to over 450 HNWIs across APAC and one thing is clear – the journey to recovery and reinvention continues.

Download our report to understand the views of the region’s HNWIs today.

What are the motivations of HNWIs as they deal with investments and sustainability?

Key findings

  • Rising inflation and its impact on the economy is the biggest risk to the global economy according to 77% of APAC HNWIs.
  • 50.2% of APAC HNW respondents are worried about market volatility and its negative impact on performance.
  • Over two-thirds of HNWIs in APAC have acted decisively to realign their portfolios, and banks have played an important role in this realignment.
  • Perceptions about sustainability have changed and continue to change, with more APAC HNWIs seeing such investments as an opportunity to contribute to the greater good as well as an investment opportunity.
  • However, APAC HNWIs say they face numerous barriers to convincing their families of the importance of sustainability, including relative underperformance of financial returns (41%), and a lack of investment opportunities with proven track records (36%).

Our findings uncover how leading families and entrepreneurs in the region are looking to reshape their portfolios, reimagine their perceptions on sustainability, and reflect on their actions and the way forward in this global climate. Uncertainty and volatility remain firmly in the spotlight, but one thing is clear, investors are looking to act, and banks have a key role in engaging, guiding and educating

Vincent Magnenat, Limited Partner, Global Head of Strategic Alliances and Asia Regional Head, Lombard Odier